Written by Plumbers of Perth
on 1 August 2023
Perth homeowners are facing a significant challenge with their plumbing systems, as burst pipes are causing extensive flooding and mold issues. Many of these homeowners moved into their properties approximately two years ago, only to discover the plumbing problems now surfacing. The issue has become so severe that some families have been forced to temporarily leave their homes while repairs are underway.
One affected homeowner, who prefers to be identified as Kristy, resides in Banksia Grove and has shared her family’s ordeal. She revealed that their house has become uninhabitable due to the flooding caused by burst pipes made of Iplex polybutylene. As a result, the builder, BGC Housing Group, is compensating them $150 per day to live elsewhere during the repair process.
The severity of the situation has led an estimated 50 homeowners to consider the possibility of taking joint legal action against BGC Housing Group. The affected homeowners argue that homes constructed in 2019 and 2020 are only now experiencing the consequences of faulty pipe installations.
Kristy recounted the events that unfolded in her home. On a fateful day in July 2022, she woke up to water gushing through a wall near her living room. In the following days, more incidents occurred, with her ensuite and other bathrooms flooding, causing extensive damage to the master bedroom, study nook, and walk-in robe.
Another homeowner, Maddy Black, residing in Midvale, shared a similar experience with burst pipes wreaking havoc in her house just over two years after its construction. The damage has rendered their master bedroom uninhabitable, leaving them concerned about potential future leaks elsewhere in the house.
Plumbtechnics, a division of BGC, has confirmed receiving reports from several clients experiencing similar issues. They are actively investigating the problem and working with the manufacturer to expedite repairs and find a long-term solution.
Building and Energy, the regulatory authority, is conducting an investigation into a particular brand of polybutylene plumbing pipe after receiving reports of apparent failures in some homes in Western Australia. Their investigation aims to determine the root cause, whether it be related to manufacturing or installation issues, and identify any affected product batches.
BGC Housing Group, which includes several home builders, has not disclosed the number of homes fitted with the problematic piping or how many homeowners have sought repairs. It remains unclear whether the company is still using this piping in current construction projects.
The manufacturer of the polybutylene pipes, Iplex, acknowledged the incidents related to leaks in hot and cold water systems and expressed concern for the impacted homeowners. They are actively investigating the matter and collaborating with their customers in Perth to understand the source of the leaks.
Building and Energy advises homeowners with concerns about their polybutylene plumbing pipes to contact their builder as the first step in addressing the issue. The affected homeowners are eager to find a resolution to their plumbing nightmares and seek accountability from the builder for the damages and distress they are currently enduring.
Regarding the potential legal action, the homeowners’ legal team aims to pursue a class-action lawsuit against BGC Housing Group to hold the builder accountable for the faulty pipe installations. The class-action is intended to strengthen their position and combine resources to seek fair compensation for the damages and disruption caused by the burst pipes. The legal team is working closely with the affected homeowners to gather evidence, assess the extent of the damages, and seek justice for the distressing situation they are facing.
In the wake of the burst pipe crisis in Perth, numerous homeowners have sought professional assistance to address the extensive damages caused by the faulty polybutylene piping. Among the trusted plumbing companies in the region, Plumbers Of Perth has been at the forefront, indirectly assisting with countless repair jobs related to these problematic pipe installations.
Plumbers Of Perth’s reputation for delivering reliable and efficient plumbing services has made them a sought-after choice for homeowners facing plumbing issues. While they have not been directly involved in the burst pipe incidents, their skilled team of professionals has been diligently working to repair and replace the defective pipe installations in various affected properties.
The surge in demand for Plumbers Of Perth’s expertise underscores the severity of the issue and highlights the urgency in addressing the faulty installations. Their commitment to assisting homeowners in this challenging situation has been invaluable, as they strive to restore the plumbing systems and alleviate the distress caused by burst pipes.
Plumbers Of Perth’s dedication to resolving these plumbing crises has been a significant source of relief for affected individuals during this trying period. Their indirect involvement in the repair jobs reflects the magnitude of the situation and highlights the need for accountability and long-term solutions to prevent such issues from recurring in the future.